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BatRolling4U - Contact Information

Call or Text Us @ 1-959-242-4432

Normal Business Hours:

Mon-Fri:  7AM - 10PM EST - (Shop and Sales Office)
Sat-Sun:  9AM - 6PM EST - (Sales Office only)

Prior to shipping your order please wait for us to email you. Orders received without the required paperwork will be delayed. All Emails will be answered so please be patient if we don't get back with you right away. We do receive and answer emails 7 days a week and respond usually in less than 30 minutes during normal business hours.
For immediate assistance please use our "Online Chat" as operators are available during normal business hours. If you choose to call us and get our voicemail, please leave a message since we are not always available to speak on the phone. If you don't leave a message we can't return your call. We will typically respond to your text within 5 minutes or less.
Pre & Post Sales questions or any general question we can be reached at